alcoholic hydroxyl groupの例文


  1. Protection of the hydroxyl groups of the acceptor with the target alcoholic hydroxyl group unprotected can assure the regiochemical control.
  2. The essence of the reducing oligosaccharide synthesis is connecting the anomeric hydroxyl of the glycosyl donors to the alcoholic hydroxyl groups of the glycosyl acceptors.


  1. "alcoholic group"の例文
  2. "alcoholic hallucination"の例文
  3. "alcoholic hallucinosis"の例文
  4. "alcoholic hepatitis"の例文
  5. "alcoholic hydroxyl"の例文
  6. "alcoholic hysteria"の例文
  7. "alcoholic insanity"の例文
  8. "alcoholic intoxication"の例文
  9. "alcoholic ketoacidosis"の例文
  10. "alcoholic lemonade"の例文
  11. "alcoholic hepatitis"の例文
  12. "alcoholic hydroxyl"の例文
  13. "alcoholic hysteria"の例文
  14. "alcoholic insanity"の例文

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